The Truth About Open Enrollment: It's a Year-Round Process
Open enrollment season can feel like a sprint to finals! You’re stressed, overwhelmed, and not entirely sure how everything's going to get done. The truth is, though, open enrollment is year-long, but we treat it like it all needs to be completed in the last few months of the year. Here are a few tips from the team at Quoterain on how to prepare so you don't have to feel this way again next year.

Know Your Deadlines
One of the reasons people feel overwhelmed during open enrollment is because they're not sure what's due when. Make a checklist of all the tasks you need to complete, and when they're due. This will help keep you organized and on track.

Plan Ahead
If you know what you need to do, you can start planning ahead. This will help make the process a little less stressful. For example, if you know you need to pick a plan for next year, start looking at options early so you have enough time to make a decision. You can design your plan prior to open enrollment, such as selecting the voluntary and retirement plan options, researching wellness plans, and more.

Get Organized
One of the best ways to reduce stress is to be organized. This means having all of your paperwork and information in one place. Make sure you have a folder or binder where you can keep track of everything related to open enrollment, from plan summaries to contact information for your insurance company.

How Quoterain Can Help
Our small group broker software can cut your quote and proposal time in half — giving you valuable hours of time back in the on AND off-season! Our innovative software program simplifies multi-carrier quoting and proposals. It’s an easy, spread-sheet-free way to reduce user error and prepare for open enrollment.
Quoterain is here for you all year round — not just during open enrollment! Let us help you make open enrollment a breeze. Schedule a demo of our software today!